Depression Counseling

Everyone feels sad or ‘blue’ sometimes.  These feelings can stem from a particular event or situation, or sometimes a person is simply ‘down in the dumps’ for no clear reason.  Such feelings are generally short-lived and usually do not interfere with your life.

I could share and not be made to feel demeaned.  What was most helpful to me was the obvious personal caring and sincerity of the counselor.

Prolonged daily feelings of sadness, crying, hopelessness or despair for longer than two weeks can be a sign of serious depression.  Sleeping too much or too little (insomnia) or feeling that you just can’t get out of bed or off the couch will significantly impact your quality of life, your relationships and make most activities of your life nearly impossible.

There is help for depression and you deserve it.  You don’t have to feel this way.  Let our experienced Samaritan Counselors work with you to find your way out of this isolation.

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